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Something new this way comes...

Lou and Mike

It's MAKING time again - woohoo.

Mike (the hairy one) is bringing one of my newest ideas to life using one of his favourite (though I say scariest) tools - his table saw.

So what is it that he is making (apart from a lot of mess) ? It's only in the early stages of design and production but eventually it will be our Wally & Eva Flower Press.

I remember as a child getting one from my parents and I absolutely loved using it. So I thought why not bring that feeling to a new generation of nature lovers.

I ummmmed and ahhhhed about what to call it. I know it seems like a no brainer but I was thinking maybe we could call it a 'flora press' as it doesn't just have to be flowers but then I also don't want to confuse everyone as it does sound a wee bit like something you use to make margarine.

I'm currently deciding whether I will incorporate a bit of Eco Resin into the design to make them extra special.

Once they are ready they will go into our little online shop and then hopefully into lots of happy hands to start pressing flowers to use in their own craft ideas.

How will you know when they're ready ?

That's an easy one. Just join up to our little mailing list and when they are done, we promise to make you the first ones we tell.

We'll also pop them on our socials (we sound so modern but we really just mean facebook and instagram as we aren't hip or talented enough for the others...yet).

And of course, you would always come back for a visit to the website where you can pick one up for yourself or as a gift for a nature loving friend or rellie.


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